40 Over 40 PORTRAIT Experience Vol.ii
Hello Gorgeous!
I invite you to join me for an exclusive, limited portrait session experience like no other. This campaign is all about celebrating women, like you, who are in their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond with a custom portrait session that will transform the way you look and feel. With a Signature Makeover, professional posing, and gorgeous lighting you will walk away feeling beautiful and confident celebrating the skin you're in. You are perfect just the way you are.
Join this amazing revolution and show the world that every age is beautiful!
Join me and my team of professional makeup artists for an exclusive 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience. It's time we celebrate the season we are in. Celebrating the amazing woman we have become.
Imagine stepping into a sacred space that was meant just for you. Together we will create the perfect portraits that capture you authentically and in full power. Let's start embracing our inner strength, resilience, and reclaiming our worth.
In a session with me, you will be pampered and cherished, surrounded by an atmosphere of warmth and encouragement. Whether you’re in the bloom of your 40's or the richness of maturity, this portrait session is designed to showcase you are worthy of being photographed at every beautiful stage in life. Join me in your very own 40 Over 40 Portrait Experience Vol. II 🎉
Hey beautiful, You're invited!
Luxurious and empowering portrait experiences celebrating you. From consultation to expertly guided sessions in New Carlisle, every detail is perfect, capturing your true spirit.